As I twist to meet her again, she bats her wings hard, sending dust and debris into my nose and eyes. Leaping up, I use the wall of the arena to launch with my hind legs and try to hit her with my helm, but the other lioness reads my thoughts and dodges. My shoulder stings from a bite I should have dodged, but the heat of the wound drives me forward like a new flame. We rush each other, teeth and claws bared and searching for any inch of exposed skin. We may not be fighting to kill as we will when the king calls us to arms, but that doesn’t mean either of us are going to show much mercy. Still, she’s a warrior-elect like me, and she doesn’t let up.
Endless sky strain skin#
My strike caught her as her helm had slipped sideways just enough for my claw to slice into the skin of her brow. Blood drips from the jagged cut above her eye. Across the pit, my opponent lets out a snarl of annoyance. I flare my wings, digging my claws into the ground and taking a defensive position while I decide my next move. Yield can be around 100 grams of flower per plant.Blood and feathers litter the arena. This strain is a good genetic variant of cannabis as it is resilient to insects, molds, diseases, and temperature variation. These plants can grow indoors and outdoors in a hot and semi-humid condition especially when outdoor. The negative effects of Endless Sky are a lasting dry mouth, moderate paranoia, dry eyes, anxiousness, and slight dizziness. What are the Negative Effects that you can expect from ENDLESS SKY? As for physical pains, this strain is good for dull and constant pains and temporary or injury-related pains. It also has mood-lifting effects with great benefits for mild to moderate depression, stress and/or anxiety. Its fast-acting properties and good concentration properties is a good aid to those suffering from attention deficit disorders. Medical cannabis users greatly benefit from Endless Sky’s medical properties. What are the Medical Benefits of ENDLESS SKY? It is recommended to be used at night without complex tasks to be done. The gradual come down can cause heaviness and weighty limbs eventually couch locking. The strain can elicit a cerebral buzz and spark creativity. Endless Sky is surprisingly mentally stimulant despite being relaxing. It is also known that this strain has the effect of hyperawareness to external stimuli. Users of this strain say that tingles start around the face and travels around the body. This strain has a subtle and gradually climbing high. Growing Difficulty: Intermediate What are the Effects of ENDLESS SKY? See Our Top Marijuana Seed Company Choices Here! Endless Sky Marijuana Strain Specification Suitable for both indoor and outdoor gardens, Endless Sky undergoes a 42 to 50-day flowering period and grows best with hydroponics. Just as we might see from cannabis named “Endless Sky,” this strain delivers a dreamy and headspace Indica experience recommended for nighttime consumption.

Endless Sky is an Indica-dominant strain by Green Thumb Seeds crossed from Grenadine and an Iranian landrace.